A: Yes! Green Bay Bible Camp has a Camp Store! We call it The Green House. We sell candy, chocolate bars, slushies, screamers (a slushy WITH ice cream!), ice cream, Green Bay clothing, stickers, fanny pack, etc.
During camp you can also purchase some waterfront activities (like Free-Time Tube rides, cruises, etc), ceramics (Family camp only), and other things like date night, optional parent/child activities, etc.
The Camp Store does not accept cash or credit or debit. So how do you pay?
Kids/Jr. Teen Camps and Day Camps and Summer Staff:
You will want to put money into your online Camp Store Wallet ahead of time. You can put money there during registration and any time after that – including during camp – with a credit card. Then while you are at camp, your Camp Store purchases will be deducted from your online total.
Family Camp:
All you need is to have a credit card on your Green Bay account profile. Then the store can open a Camp Store Wallet for each member in your household. Each household member will be able to charge purchases to their Wallet. Your credit card will be processed for your purchases on Tuesday end of day, & upon departure or when the household balance is $500 or greater. If you do not wish to have a Wallet open for any of your household members, please come see us at check-in, in the finance office, or email finance@greenbay.bc.ca
If you do not have a credit card on file, in order to make purchases, you must provide a deposit by cash or e-transfer (e-transfers can be sent to finance@greenbay.bc.ca). Purchases can be charged to your household members’ wallets only up to the amount of the deposit provided.